Visionary & My Next Layer
vi·sion·ar·y [ˈviZHəˌnerē] ADJECTIVE (especially of a person) thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom. "a visionary leader" synonyms: inspired · imaginative · creative · inventive · insightful · ingenious A very good friend of mine inspired me with this next blog. Upon deciding what it was that I wanted to talk about next, I received a pleasant message reminding me that I was in fact a visionary. Now, at first it took me back a bit, like, who me? No. Not me. That word just sounded so powerful and so SURE and so beyond me. So what did I do, naturally ? GOOGLE it. 😂 Visionary...Someone who thinks about or plans the future with imagination or wisdom. Ohhh, okay! I am ALWAYS thinking or planning for the future with imagination and I do my best to do it with wisdom that I receive from studying the word of God. But, there is just a little problem. I have SO many thoughts and plans that it truly overwhelms ...